
Showing posts from February, 2007

He's not fooling anybody

John McCain were married to the conservative wing of the party, he'd be considered a serial adulterer. He's been doing his best to convince his jilted better half that he's been faithful all along, but few are buying it. Some apologists do a wonderful job telling us McCain is the conservative standard-bearer this primary season. Phil Gramm's WSJ op-ed might have convinced me had I not watched the news over the last six years. McCain took every opportunity to undermine President Bush on any subject. Never forget that he voted against Bush's 2001 tax cut. Never forget McCain-Feingold, or the selling out of Don Rumsfeld. But just in case you needed another reason, just as the science of global warming has started to face the scrutiny it deserves, McCain declares the case closed , and that Bush has been bungling it for years: "This administration's record on global warming is terrible," McCain said. "I've held hearings for years and got no cooper...

Countdown to Failure

Senator Clinton announced on Saturday that President Bush must begin to "redeploy" U.S. troops in Iraq within 90 days, or risk Congress revoking authorization for the war. It doesn't take a magic decoder ring to figure out the message being sent to the bad guys in all of this. Hang on a little bit longer, and we'll be ready to give up and get out of your way. Bizarre that the way the Dems decide to get tough is to push around a battered new ally. The Iraqi government must step up... or else . What was the last tough message sent to anyone who was actually a threat to our our troops? Clinton, of course, is in a rough spot. She is a veteran of presidential politics, and knows what it will take to win the general election, and that cut-and-run won't cut it. Of course, the dingbats in her own party are forcing her to impossibly triangulate in order to appease the rabid anti-war left. But the Dems seem quite willing to cut off their own nose to spite their face. Bob S...