Strike Two?
The subject of illegal immigration has been all the rage for some time now and has been dominating presidential candidate interviews, speeches and debates almost as if there is an answer to be found somewhere in the how-to manual one receives upon taking that seat in the Oval Office. This has got me thinking about how our government can really help solve this dilemma. Let me set the stage, and for the moment remove the group of folks who want to take up residence in the U.S. simply for its unbeatable welfare and free healthcare programs. The problem is we have business owners in search of a profit in need of workers. We have foreign-born persons seeking a paycheck making their way past the perverbial Ellis Island guard shack to provide them labor. The two come together and form a partnership by a wink and a nod, with one party agreeing to do work somebody needs done in exchange for cash and a promise not to hold them accountable for paying taxes (by deducting all those wonderful th...