Specter wastes no time

Arlen Specter was re-elected to the U.S. Senate on Tuesday, in large part due to the assistance of President Bush, who campaigned for Specter during the primaries against a true conservative, Pat Toomey. He risked alienating conservatives across the country in order to nominate a "more electable" man who might help the President carry a key swing state.

Of course, Bush lost Pennsylvania. Now, to add insult to injury, not two full days after the election, Specter is already denouncing Bush and the Supreme Court, warning Bush to not appoint an ideologue (someone who would overturn Roe v. Wade) to the bench, and lamenting that there are no judicial heavyweights on the current court.

The next time someone asks the President to name one of his mistakes, he should consider that America now has six more years of Specter, and no one is the better for it.


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