What happened in that Ohio recount?
Since you've heard nothing about it, your assumptions are correct: the Ohio presidential election recount looked just like the original count, with George Bush winning by about 119,000 votes. The results were announced Tuesday, December 28. However, if you were to search an "old media" website to find out about it, as I did, you would come up empty.
Today's AP story about the 3rd-party candidates requesting a second recount caught my eye, and in reading the story, found out the above. Wondering why I didn't hear about the first, but admitting being on vacation may have had something to do with it, I searched the CNN and CBS websites for "ohio recount." Both sites have several previous stories about the demand for a recount, shining a bright spotlight on Jesse Jackson's latest embarrassing antics, but apparently, when the count actually happened, and it confirmed what rising star Republican Secretary of State Ken Blackwell had been saying all along, the event was not newsworthy.
The few who managed to hear the buried recount results of the Florida 2000 election would not be surprised. Bush, of course, stole the election in 2000, not allowing yet another recount, which would surely have given Al Gore the presidency. That the recounts happened anyway, conducted by independent organizations, and that they confirmed Bush the winner is a minor inconvenience to professional agitators, given the news was practically kept secret.
Once again, the facts will not get in the way of Democratic activists spreading myths about Ohio 2004. In reporting the hype, but not the results, the media assists this endeavor. Whether this assitance is unwitting or not is perhaps left to another day.
Today's AP story about the 3rd-party candidates requesting a second recount caught my eye, and in reading the story, found out the above. Wondering why I didn't hear about the first, but admitting being on vacation may have had something to do with it, I searched the CNN and CBS websites for "ohio recount." Both sites have several previous stories about the demand for a recount, shining a bright spotlight on Jesse Jackson's latest embarrassing antics, but apparently, when the count actually happened, and it confirmed what rising star Republican Secretary of State Ken Blackwell had been saying all along, the event was not newsworthy.
The few who managed to hear the buried recount results of the Florida 2000 election would not be surprised. Bush, of course, stole the election in 2000, not allowing yet another recount, which would surely have given Al Gore the presidency. That the recounts happened anyway, conducted by independent organizations, and that they confirmed Bush the winner is a minor inconvenience to professional agitators, given the news was practically kept secret.
Once again, the facts will not get in the way of Democratic activists spreading myths about Ohio 2004. In reporting the hype, but not the results, the media assists this endeavor. Whether this assitance is unwitting or not is perhaps left to another day.