Say what??

The British Navy is actively recruiting gays and lesbians, according to an article in the International Herald Tribune (link from Drudge). But I bring your attention to it not to revisit "don't ask, don't tell," but to point out this chuckler (emphasis mine):

In response to the ruling, in 2000 the services abruptly changed their policy, stopped monitoring a recruit's sexuality, and began allowing gays to serve. Gay men and lesbians have since fought in Iraq alongside heterosexuals, as well as alongside Americans, without it being an issue, military officials say.

And I'll let you decide whether the following was intentional:

The change in the law followed a long and agonized debate here, similar to that in the United States, over the possible consequences of allowing gays and lesbians to serve. But when it took place, it was an anticlimax.


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