Thoughts on Schiavo

Shamefully, the Banterers have yet to broach the hottest news topic of the last month, so I thought I'd make a quick observation. Poll numbers indicate that Americans are overwhelmingly against Congress and the President acting on behalf of Schiavo's parents. But the questions actually asked reflect the spirit of the libertarian feeling that the government should not invervene in deciding when someone should die, it should be up to the family.

But the very purpose of government is to establish and enforce laws that protect the people. It is also the purpose of government to provide a judiciary system to settle disputes among citizens. What we have in the Schiavo case is 1) a possible infringement on Terri Schiavo's right to live. What if she doesn't want to die? and 2) a legitimate dispute as to who should make such a life or death decision.

Congress did not step in to order the tube reinserted. They did not decide she should live. Congress and the President merely asked for a full review of the evidence, of whether she expressed such a belief to die, whether she is indeed in a persistent vegetative state, and whether Michael Schiavo, given his conflict of interest, should be making the final decision.

The US judicial system, in rejecting these 11th hour pleas, seems to be saying "if in doubt... let her die."

Also, be sure to check out Powerline for their coverage of the next fake memo scandal ("GOP Talking Points" on Schiavo).


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