More on Prof. Pluss

In my post below on Fairleigh-Dickinson Professor Jacques Pluss, I relied on an excerpt from, and did not register with the site to get the full article. I decided later to do so and see the rest of it.

After Prof. Pluss' dismissal, the National Socialist Movement issued a press release condemning the firing of Pluss.

The NSM officially condemns Fairleigh Dickinson University for engaging in acts of left-wing McCarthyism. This past Monday, Professor Jacque Pluss was removed from his teaching position apparently for no other reason than being a member of NSM. It is against every concept of the Constitution and the principles of our republic and an act of sheer stupidity for the powers that be to force anyone to leave job [sic] simply because of his/her legal political affiliations. If American universities truly stand for the market place of ideas, and of freedom of expression, then we must protect all, including Professor Jacques Pluss . . . We at the NSM also realize that the Constitution is best protected in a free marketplace of ideas rather than by school officials that may be controlled by political correctness and Jews.

The university, needing to fire him but not wanting to appear to abridge "freedom of speech," let all our aforementioned academics off the hook:

However, the university administration gave quite a different reason for the dismissal. "He was released for the official reason of (having) six absences and not making them up," said Dean of University College John Snyder. "As a professor, he did not meet that requirement."

It's one thing to spew hatred. That's your right, apparently. But oh, if you're truant, that's another story.

Update: Soxblog reports that the left is playing it beautifully, and are reportedly unconcerned about real neo-Nazism on campus (since it's free speech). Good info.


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