Coulter's thoughts on the deal

The Senate majority leader, Bill Frist, thought the party with the most votes should be able to win. (Boy -- talk about out of touch! And this guy wants to be president?)

The seven "maverick" Republicans thought a better idea would be to crawl to the minority party and plead for crumbs. If the "maverick" Republicans had a slogan, it would be: "Always surrender from a position of strength."

The deal they struck, this masterful Peace of Westphalia, simply put into writing the rule that the minority party controls the Senate -- which will remain the rule until the Democrats aren't the minority party anymore.

No wonder Democrats were so testy about bringing democracy to Iraq: They can't bear democracy in America. Liberals' beef with Iraq's new government was that the Sunnis -- the minority sect whose reign of terror controlled Iraq for almost 30 years -- wouldn't be adequately represented. Obviously, this did not bode well for the Democrats -- a minority party whose reign of terror controlled the U.S. House for over 40 years.


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