Fenway Citgo sign in jeopardy over Chavez comments

It's highly unlikely that the famed Citgo sign that can be seen beyond the left field fence at Fenway park is coming down any time soon. Yet a Boston city councilman has proposed replacing it with an American flag in light of comments made by Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez against the Bush administration (Citgo is run by Venezuela).

The encouraging part of the story is that the councilman proposing the change is a Democrat. Given Charlie Rangel's and Nancy Pelosi's similar condemnations of Chavez, is there new hope that politics will indeed stop at the water's edge?

I'm not convinced, but Rangel and Pelosi and Jerry McDermott of Boston have shown Chavez whose side they are on, and that is a gesture to be commended. When people do the right thing, we should be thankful they have done it, regardless of what we might suspect their motives to be.


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