Dems patronize and insult blacks... will anyone notice?

The Democrats have perhaps decided that they can no longer take the black vote for granted. While that might be good, they've gone about pursuing that vote in an appalling way, and made two patronizing mistakes in the same day.

First, Hillary Clinton announced a ridiculous idea to give $5,000 to every child born in America. She's made campaign speeches daily for months, and this is the first we hear of it. Any significance to today, rather than any other day? Well her audience just happened to be a forum put on by the Congressional Black Caucus.

Which came first... the thought that blacks can't be spoken to rationally, and must be pandered to like children, or the race hustlers who make Democrats feel compelled to pay such inane tribute?

Next, John Edwards said what might be the most racist thing I've heard any politician say in my lifetime:

“We cannot build enough prisons to solve this problem. And the idea that we can keep incarcerating and keep incarcerating — pretty soon we’re not going to have a young African-American male population in America. They’re all going to be in prison or dead. One of the two.”

Those helpless African-American males... what would they do without the Democrats to keep them from their savage ways? What must the millions of hard-working professional blacks think of this statement? We incarcerate criminals, found by a jury of peers to be guilty. It's not a perfect system by far, but the segment of black America that is going to jail is going to jail for committing crimes. They're committing crimes for a variety of reasons, and one of those reasons is NOT "because they're black." Edwards treats the black community like its worst stereotype, and then panders to it. He sees black America as a monolith. Why? Well in part because black leaders work to keep it that way. Again, which came first?

I'd like to hear Mr. Edwards clarify his statement. Unfortunately, I doubt he'll be much pressed to do so. Checking the AP's top political stories, this is not one of them, though one of the top five includes Edwards' criticism of Rush Limbaugh for his "phony soldiers" remark. Such criticism is completely off-base, which the press would know had they followed any of the stories of "soldiers" speaking out against the war who turn out to never have served in the armed forces. Will Edwards' vile comment get anywhere near the same coverage? I'm not holding my breath.

UPDATE: CBS News has failed to notice the Edwards remark, but found room for "Are Republicans Alienating Minorities" among its top stories tonight.

UPDATE II: ABC, MSNBC, and CNN have all found this completely un-newsworthy. Fox lists it as the # 2 story. Is Fox right-wing, or is everyone else liberal? Well what would CBS, NBC, ABC, and CNN have said if it were Fred Thompson who said those words?


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