With friends like these...

How many times did Obama say he's a "stalwart ally of Israel" on the campaign trail? He sure has a funny way of showing it:

Israel's ambassador to the United States, Michael Oren, has told the country's diplomats there that U.S.-Israeli relations face their worst crisis in 35 years, despite attempts by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's office to project a sense of "business as usual."

Apparently, the crisis is due to the Obama administration taking grave offense over a "diplomatic gaffe" that occurred while Slow Joe Biden was visiting Israel (they announced construction plans for new settlements while he was in the country). Really? Do we need to start listing all of the diplomatic offenses that "The One" has committed toward our allies in a scant year in office? You know what they say about people in glass houses. How about the Falklands and throwing the Poles under the bus for starters?

But Barack has been offended, so now Hillary has made the following demands of Israel:

1. Investigate the process that led to the announcement of the Ramat Shlomo construction plans in the middle of Biden's visit. The Americans seek an official response from Israel on whether this was a bureaucratic mistake or a deliberate act carried out for political reasons. Already on Saturday night, Netanyahu announced the convening of a committee to look into the issue.

2. Reverse the decision by the Jerusalem District Planning and Building Committee to approve construction of 1,600 new housing units in Ramat Shlomo.

3. Make a substantial gesture toward the Palestinians enabling the renewal of peace talks. The Americans suggested that hundreds of Palestinian prisoners be released, that the Israel Defense Forces withdraw from additional areas of the West Bank and transfer them to Palestinian control, that the siege of the Gaza Strip be eased and further roadblocks in the West Bank be removed.

4. Issue an official declaration that the talks with the Palestinians, even indirect talks, will deal with all the conflict's core issues - borders, refugees, Jerusalem, security arrangements, water and settlements.

This is simply incredible. We have had no greater allies in the post-WWII era than Great Britain and Israel. Unfortunately, we have treated them with an incredible amount of disrespect, and even disdain over the past year. Barack Obama is the worst kind of friend possible. One who not only takes his old friends for granted, but constantly derides and undermines them in an attempt to become more popular with schoolyard bullies. Selling out Poles and Czechs, Georgians and Ukrainians to Russia; Israelis to Palestinians (and everyone else buying); Columbians to thuggish Venezuela; residents of the Falklands to Argentina; and the entire Middle East and half of Europe to Iran.

I had very low expectations for this presidency. However the Obama administration seems to have taken it as a challenge to do even worse, and in that one respect, they have been brutally successful. It is simply hard to imagine how one could enact a more damaging set of foreign and domestic policies if one tried. Emboldening enemies, antagonizing friends, creating massive, bloated cost-spiraling entitlements and running up trillion dollar annual budget deficits, all while nakedly alienating the businesses who are responsible for generating the wealth and capital necessary to keep America from becoming Greece. Bravo. Whether intentional or not, whether anyone realizes it or not... we have our Manchurian Candidate. Make that... Manchurian President.


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