
Disappointed in some of the races. We got the ones we were supposed to get, but not many of the true toss-ups. Toomey and Kirk being the exceptions. The Tea Party certainly inspired a lot of the change, but Miller, Angle, and O'Donnell going down in flames does not bode well for 2012. On the other hand, I'm excited about Rubio, excited about Kasich, and excited about Col. Allen West winning a House seat in Florida. Disappointed McClung (the rocket scientist in Arizona) couldn't beat the incumbent, but she was badly outspent. Amazed Barney Frank beat Bielat by such a huge margin given what a scumbag Frank is and what a smart, stand-up guy Bielat is. But it's on par with Rangel winning with 85% of the vote. He's a criminal and a gangster, but he's our criminal. That must be the thought process. If you don't believe government should be about laws being applied to people equally, and think it should be about changing outcomes and getting more for your group, then why not vote for the gangster? Similarly, Mark Dayton winning in Minnesota is yet another statewide electoral disgrace from the Land of a Thousand Flakes. And then there's Jerry Brown. Jerry Brown?? Seriously? Jerry f-ing Brown? Also disappointed Joe DioGuardi got trounced in NY, but looking at the cash, he got outspent 6-1.


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