The Man with the Mustache

Well it's 2011. That means it's time to start seriously talking about 2012, no? Jay Nordlinger at National Review makes a good case for John Bolton. I can't say I can disagree with anything about the man; I do question his electability. Still, why not latch onto this guy during primary season instead of anybody else? When Palin and Huckabee are mentioned as possible strong candidates, I shudder. Probably because I believe it. I read something interesting the other day about the two strains of candidates emerging in the Republican primary season: ideological and managerial. Palin heads up the ideological wing and thus has huge Tea Party support. Romney heads the managerial wing and gets more traditional (and RINO) support. The managerial type is going to be more apt to get crossover milquetoast votes... those same voters that switch back and forth depending upon which way the wind is blowing.

However, I think the ideological side can attract votes too, if it's positioned strongly enough. Very few people really want huge, bloated government and higher taxes. But we have no Reagan in our midst for people to rally to. Palin is not gonna do it. Huckabee is a joke and the worst kind of candidate in that he is primarily a social conservative, and a fiscal conservative in name only. Meaning he can't win, and if somehow he did, he'd give us the same tax-and-spend BS we've had previously.

I would sleep pretty well knowing John Bolton is in charge. And I would pay pretty decent money to watch that October 2012 foreign policy debate between him and Obama. Of course, given that the debates are put on by the networks, I would guess that should Bolton miraculously get the nomination, the debate formats will miraculously change to put less emphasis on foreign policy. Still, one can dream.


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