GOP Convention Notes: Day 1

Kelly Ayotte had a slower delivery than a unionized pizza shop. Good grief.

Gilchrist's accent reminds me of home.

Kasich knocked it out of the park at the Romney rally on Saturday, borrowed heavily from it for today, but wasn't nearly as good in such a formal setting.

Would love to catch Gwen Ifil's mic open after she finished with Terry Branstead.

Mark Shields seems completely baffled by the purpose of the convention.

Wow. Huge ovation for Scott Walker's entrance. Well deserved. 94% of employers think Wisconsin headed in the right direction vs just 10% previously.

225th anniversary if US Constitution coming up. I wonder if anyone will care when we hit 250?

Every question from Judy and Gwen is challenging. Does anyone doubt that tune will change in a few weeks? "is it hard being so smart? What's on your iPod?"

Senator Barrasso has some gravitas. Shoved Shields' EPA question neatly back down his throat. Wow, they are jumping all over themselves to ask him things to trip him up, but he has been unfazed.

Shields is monologuing Democratic talking points now. Ridiculous.

Santorum: in 1923 there were no government benefits for immigrants, except one: freedom.

The president plan didn't work for America because that's not how America works.

Families, education, hard work.

Santorum hits on the legality of Obama changing welfare law. Good point that is overlooked.

Nice riff on the hard-working hands that built America. Well done. Not much about Romney, but a nice speech highlighting a conservative vision.

Judy Woodruff is clearly troubled by her chat with Newt.

Ted Cruz getting a rousing response.
He resembles a preacher more than a politician. Maybe it's because he has convictions.

Free markets, fiscal responsibility and individual liberty.

Gwen just asked Newt what advice he would give Obama in defeating Romney. What?? Annoyed they kept trying to hit Newt about the GOP having few minorities, with Susanna Martinez speaking in the background getting no airtime.

Would pay good money to see an Ann Romney - Michelle Obama debate. She's doing very well. Didn't realize her dad was an immigrant.

Not a storybook marriage - a real marriage.

Wow, she is very good. Very credible.

"If the last four years had been more successful, do you really think they'd be attacking Mitts success?"

She may be articulating capitalism better than anyone else I've seen recently. Fantastic defense of Bain.


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