Misc. Convention Notes

It's a shame the networks didn't cover the McCain or Giuliani speeches. The two are media darlings, but no one thought it terribly important to cover their views on why Bush should be re-elected. Both were extremely effective, and both praised Kerry for his Vietnam service while criticizing his record in office. But the spin already is the Republicans are going negative early, and unfortunately, that's all most viewers will hear about on the morning talk shows...

Delegates at the convention are reportedly wearing Band-Aids with purple hearts on them... And Don King for W!

Rudy Giuliani brought up a point worth remembering, and that is the courage and sacrifice of construction workers in the immediate wake of the WTC attacks. Three years removed we easily remember the tower and Pentagon victims, the passengers and crew on the doomed flights, the police and firefighters, and all those who are serving in our armed forces. But we forget the many New York construction workers who didn't wait to be asked, and immediately started moving rubble, at great personal peril, without sleep, pushing the limits of human endurance. Their sacrifice and service deserves recognition.

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