Startlingly Refreshing

Drudge is reporting today that the Kerry daughters were booed soundly at the MTV awards last night.

This could not possibly have been predicted. How could this have happened? There seem to be only two possible answers:

  1. Despite the tidal wave of anti-Bush criticism coming out of Hollywood and the entertainment industry in general, the young adults of today are unaffected; they are able to compartmentalize entertainment vs. politics. As one who curses at Nickelodeon for sending inappropriate messages to kids, this would be a wonderful finding.
  2. Still, it seems wholly implausible that the self-selecting group of young people who would attend this event would be Bush supporters. Though I'm no conspiracy theorist, I wonder if the RNC planted some people at this event. If true, it was a brilliant stroke: hitting the ultra-left on their own turf, and taking them completely by surprise in front of a national audience.

Either way, try picturing Terry McAuliffe watching that trainwreck unfold. A great way to kick off convention week.

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