Intellectual Profiling and the American Left

It is troubling that our enemies in the global conflict in which we find ourselves (not the one involving melting polar ice caps and more energy efficient light bulbs but the other one) are waging a brilliant campaign. While American soldiers are in the desert driving tanks and operating Humvees, taking small arms fire and encountering normally mundane roadside devices boobytrapped to explode, our enemies have worked within our own borders to pit us against one another and divide our nation against the war's just, noble and righteous causes. The enemy has been successful in fracturing and degrading support for our military's efforts, and the only thing preventing the final wedge into the resolve of the American people may be a successful suicide bomber on our own soil.

But I'm not talking about Al Qaeda or Hamas, Hezbollah or even somebody's brigade (there's seems to be so many these days, I've lost track.) I'm referring to the efforts of the Left. Liberal Democrats. George Soros. Howard Dean. CNN. The New York Times. Tim Robbins' Hollywood. There are many more. I'm talking about THOSE enemies, ones that cannot and will not be defeated by any amount of success from any surge of any amount of our forces in Iraq or Afghanistan.

This domestic front in the war on terror continually attacks with mistruths, half truths and untruths. The messengers may change but their message is always the same. The latest is Democrat Jim Webb, who appeared on Meet the Press recently and "debated" Republican Lindsey Graham on the timetable for withdrawing troops from Iraq. Graham said, "Nobody ever asks the consequences" of a premature troop withdrawal. Webb didn't directly respond, although he was doing so much talking overtop Graham that maybe he did somehow mention something about a catastrophic collapse of the region and I just missed it.

But I'm a little off point. Webb cited a poll which indicated a majority of Americans want our troops out of Iraq, and the libs have been using polls like these for the justification to bring our men and women in uniform home from the desert battlefields some thousands of miles away from baseball, apple pie and Chevrolet. Where's the citation to the poll about how many Americans want to be dominated by the radical religious extremists set on conquering the world? I guess the libs think we're too ignorant to differentiate between all the good things about Sharia Law and all those wacky Christian values and ideals which may have had a small role in influencing those Founding Fathers guys.

This typical modern liberalism is no shock to anyone not ingesting whatever Keith Olbermann is mainlining, but that isn't what got to me this time. It was Webb's arrogance. You'd expect him to take nothing Graham said seriously, and you'd be disappointed if he actually had facts to back up his claims and logic to support his reasoning. But Webb wasn't off on a Murtha rant or a Kennedy diatribe, he was so smug it sent a shiver up my spine.

For years, this enemy has been using its media allies to sensationalize each and every explosion in a marketplace and mosque in conjunction with its lies and deceit. Its attempting to convince history to record Iraq as another Vietnam instead of World War II. It honestly believes it has duped the American weak and worn down the American strong to the point of convincing them a failure of the Iraqi people to take charge now of their own country is a failure on the part of the American military to subdue those with whom we have been fighting.

How so many are buying this piece of swampland like its the only lot in town with an ocean view is a mystery. Maybe even more confounding is the Democrats have convinced themselves that there is a victory in America to be acheived through losing in Iraq. The smugness of Jim Webb, which is without question representative of the entire anti-war establishment, suggests to me they believe they are on the verge of acheiving their goal of defeat in Iraq.

This may be the only time in history nothing is actually considered something if the liberals have their way.


Howard Brooks said…

I read the transcript of the Webb-Graham debate the other day, and the arrogance came through plainly.

Whatever the Dem leaders are really thinking (that may be another post), I think the public is choosing willful ignorance. Iraq makes them uncomfortable. They keep hearing it's a disaster. And the Dems promise them a way out. Well they're making a deal with loan sharks (not the Marc Dann accusee "predatory lenders" but the guys who will bust your kneecaps). "Sure, we'll get you out of this jam. You just pay it back at this low monthly rate." And people are dumb enough or desperate enough to believe them.

If I had a Democrat-style mindset, I'd say, well at least when they pull the troops out and the whole region is engulfed in chaos and buildings start falling in America, we can say "I told you so", and others can ask the Dems why they were misled about the withdrawal.

But I can't even conceive of deriving pleasure from America's defeat, even if it coincides with the Democrats' defeat. Why is it so easy for them to think that way? Because they take a dimmer view of America in the first place?

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