In politics, 2+2 doesn't always equal 4

Mark D. Lay was recently sentenced for his role in "managing" investments for Ohio's Bureau of Workers' Compensation. The losses for which Lay has been found accountable make the highly publicized Tom Noe "Coingate" case seem like a misplaced $20 (not to mention how much additional it cost Ohioans in a civil lawsuit filed against Lay by former AG Marc Dann.) I add this sad political chapter to the book on how government can't seem to do much of anything right, especially with democrats in charge (see current Congressional Approval Rating.) And I continue to be baffled by the continued demands, primarily from the Left, for things like nationalized health care and, more recently, a federal takeover of the oil industry. How has it become so difficult to identify the quacking, waddling, beak-sporting waterfowl in its broadest and simplest terms?


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