"An-Waar" we're not drilling??

Somebody in Congress please read this. No, wait, you are all too busy so let me cut to the chase - there is a 95% probability of recovering 5.7 BILLION barrels of oil from the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. This is estimated to equate to somewhere between 250 and 400 million barrels of oil per year (for about 65 years), beginning 7 to 12 years from the time approval was granted to explore the area. These estimates, from 1998 and based upon 1998 technology, suggest that in 5 years from opening the area, we'd have 200,000 to 400,000 barrels of oil PER DAY at our disposal. In 10 years, we'd have 400,000 to 600,000 barrels of oil. Per day. We'd reach maximum production in 20-30 years (600,000 to 1.9 million barrels of oil per day.)

Did I mention the area where this 5.7 BILLION barrels of oil is located, called 1002 Area, is also just 8% of the total acreage of ANWR? That means if every square foot were completely and utterly destroyed, the caribou would still have over 17 million acres upon which to roam, forage, reproduce and do whatever else caribou do.

The U.S. imported 4,905,234 barrels of oil in 2007 while only producing 1,862,440 barrels itself. Our federal legislators must realize gasoline is not the only reason we need oil, and we need to finally come to our senses and tap the 1002 Area of ANWR. Now. And not by raising taxes but by allowing Big Oil to spend their windfall profits on the exploring, drilling and refining of this 5.7 BILLION. After all, we still need to grow our domestic social programs and bail out ignorant homeowners.


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