Canadian Drug Imports

Those of you who watch CBS News (masochists, all) are familiar with their "What Does It Mean To You?" series, which focuses on "where the presidential candidates stand on major issues and how a vote for one or the other candidate might affect average people's lives."

Apparently the only "issue" with importing drugs from Canada is whether it's "safe." Exactly why drug prices are lower in Canada is not touched upon. If this is the solution, then why not cut out the middleman and force drug companies to sell drugs to Americans at a lower cost? Exactly what would be the ramifications of that? CBS is too busy pointing out that the main interviewee is a "conservative family man" to do any actual journalism, apparently.

Making policy without addressing long-term consequences is expected of politicians seeking votes today. However, our media should not leave these Santa Claus promises unchallenged.

The long-term economic effects of such short-term political polcies are anectotally discussed in Thomas Sowell's less-intimidating-than-it-sounds Applied Economics. A recommended read, and light enough that it would be especially useful to those who do not understand conservative views on economics.


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