Halliburton! Halliburton!

During the Democratic primary season, when every other word out of even the most serious presidential contenders referred to the Vice President's former company, I had an idea. I would write a musical, called "Halliburton! Halliburton!" in which the protagonist tries to get serious answers out of liberals. Each time he gets close to exposing them for what they are, the chorus (yes, there would be an old-school Greek chorus) would start singing the Halliburton theme song and drown out any further questions.

I haven't quit my day job.

But each time the Halliburton cry crops up in the media, I get that song in my head (I came up with the refrain and melody while mowing my lawn one day) and smile. Today is such a day. Stuck in an electoral quagmire of his own making, John Kerry is now coming out with a Halliburton-themed ad.

The attack this time is on Cheney's deferred compensation. Yes, he's still being paid by Halliburton. However, his compensation has been insured, so if Halliburton never makes another dime, Cheney still gets paid.

As this will probably spark a CBS investigation, I thought it might be helpful to refer our readers to Byron York's authoritative pieces on the Halliburton "scandals":

Deferred Compensation 9/26/03

Gouging 12/19/03

Accounting Tricks 7/25/02

No-Bid Sweetheart Deal 7/9/03


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