A town that was a haven for American draft dodgers thirty-plus years ago has created a monument depicting a Canadian welcoming two scared American men.
Unfortunately, I believe the vote count to be much closer than my friend Stephen does. My predictions:
Bush electoral votes: 270
Kerry electoral votes: 268
Switching to Red: Hawaii, Iowa, New Mexico
Switching to Blue: New Hampshire, Ohio
Popular vote: Bush 50.1, Kerry 48.5
Senate: GOP picks up 2.
House: GOP nets 5.
Should Colorado split its vote, Lt. Kerry reports for duty (with Bush still winning the popular vote). I suppose the only consolation for such a circumstance would be the deafening silence on the topic of reforming the electoral college.
VDH takes on Kerry's "nuisance" comment and the liberal mindset on the war on terror. A devastating critique. He believes Bush will win because most Americans no longer buy what the Democrats are selling:
...the Democratic party is run not by unionists, farmers, miners, truckers, and average folk, but by those rich enough not to have to make a living, and who wish out of either guilt or noblesse oblige to force the dumber upper middle class to be more sensitive, generous, or utopian. Americans also believe Europe has lost its way and is bogged down in a hopeless and soon-to-be scary task of legislating by fiat heaven on earth.
Great stuff. As usual. Read the whole thing.
Oh, come now, Mr. Kerry. As if it's not bad enough that the entire world must sign off on U.S. foreign policy, the Massachusetts senator offered this interesting explanation of his "global test" remark from Thursday's debate:
"They're misleading Americans about what I said. What I said in the sentence preceding that was, 'I will never cede America's security to any institution or any other country.' No one gets a veto over our security. No one.
"And if they were honest enough to give America the full quote, which America heard, they would know that I'm never going to allow America's security to be outsourced. That's the job of the president.
"But I can do a better job of protecting America's security because the test that I was talking about was a test of legitimacy, not just in the globe, but elsewhere .
Well that clears it up. Unfortunately for Mr. Kerry, the Vulcans are far too logical to sign on to his pla...