Ironic quote of the day (and Florida)

"I see disturbing signs today that some of our churches have been confused by wolves in sheep's clothing. How did someone else put their agenda in the front of the line?"

-- Rev. Jesse Jackson

Now that's priceless all by itself. But there's more. At the same church service that Rev. Jackson was dutifully warning churchgoers that there are those out there who would manipulate them, John Kerry trotted out the same line he repeats every time he sees a black audience, "Never again will a million African Americans be denied the right to exercise their vote in the United States of America." Of course, Kerry was not talking about Reconstruction or Jim Crow, he was talking about 2000 and Florida.

Kerry has mimicked Jimmy Carter in so many other ways, why not on voter rights? Peter Kirsanow, member of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, recently debunked Carter's Wall Street Journal editorial about the 2000 election. And if you haven't read it previously (shame on you), Mr. Kirsanow exploded the still-swirling Florida conspiracy myths in March.

Mr. Kirsanow does not argue that no disenfranchisement occurred. If you read the Executive Summary of the USCCR's report on Voting Irregularities in Florida During the 2000 Presidential Election, you will see that Florida's voting system was a mess, and through a myriad of registration and polling-center problems, many Floridians were denied the right to vote. However, the report found no evidence the disenfranchisement was intentional, and found no evidence of harassment, fraud, or intimidation, and found no evidence that state officials were at fault for this disenfranchisement.

Though Kerry never says specifically that the Bushes intentionally caused voters to be disenfranchised, he never says they didn't either, and Americans are left to connect the wrong dots. This smear, which was so important for Kerry to repeat in front of black audiences, was strangely absent from any of the three debates thus far. Does he think that little of blacks? He brought up every other charge under the sun to knock down the president during the debates, but left this one alone. Could it be because it's bunk and he knows it? That smart viewers and pundits will seize upon it and call it misleading? Then why mention it today? The atheistic intellectual left has always claimed that fundamentalist Christians aren't as bright as the rest of the population. Did Kerry believe that if he clapped his hands in a black church he could say whatever he wanted and they'd buy it?

When Kerry answered a question during the second debate, I believe it was on importing drugs from Canada, Kerry praised the questioner and mentioned that a voter "just like you" had asked the same question of Bush four years ago. Just like you. You poor people are all alike.

Try as he might, Kerry cannot hide his condescension. Whether you're a St. Louis voter or a Baptist in Florida, you're probably dumb enough to swallow something he's selling.

I just pray he's wrong.


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