So it's ON

Congrats to Mark and Stephen on their team's victory over Minnesota. So we meet again in the ALCS, this time with a blog.

Wednesday night will be tricky. Game 2 is opposite the third debate. Which rivalry is greater? Which cause more just? Which opponent more evil?

I suppose logically I should record the debate and watch it straight through after the game. But I may push the limits of technology and the patience of and try the following DVR trickiness:

Watch the debate. Put the game in the picture-in-picture box. When something happens in the game, pause the debate, swap to the game, rewind the play, then swap back to the debate and unpause.

Now I've tried this in the past, with spring baseball and playoff hockey, and the results were not pretty. It was new to me, I was pushing the envelope of sane TV watching (obviously, I was by myself), and the system behaved as if Ted Kennedy were holding the remote, and crashed spectacularly.

But isn't that the way it always goes in the movies? The hero attempts some sort of overly-tricky feat early on in the movie, and fails, but then accomplishes the same feat at the end, in triumph. I feel the stage is set for just such a triumph. If my DVR had moving parts, I'd oil them, but as it does not, I'll just have to encourage it, like Seabiscuit, and hope it can handle four hours of glory.

Could there be a correlation between Kerry zingers and Yankee runs? Could I possibly hope to watch both contests, feed sugar cubes to electronic equipment, and blog at the same time?

We shall see. It's going to be a helluva week.


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