Rather Ridiculous

My friends and family don't seem to understand my need to tune in to the CBS Evening News every once in a while.

"I thought you couldn't stand Dan Rather?"
"Why do you do that to yourself?"
"I'm going in the other room. I don't want to listen to you watch that show..."

I guess I like to complain. Tonight's broadcast was enough to tide me over for months. CBS aired what I considered to be 20 straight minutes of anti-Bush material. No, it wasn't a good news day for George, but there was a marked lack of balance in each story.

The finishing touch on the night was another "What Does It Mean to You" piece, which ostensibly shows where each candidate stands on a particular issue. To be more accurate, the segment should be titled "No Matter Your Interest, Here's Why You Should Vote for Kerry." The issue today was hunting and fishing. The slant: Democrats are making inroads with "hook and bullet" voters.

Historically, hunters and fishermen have voted Republican largely because of the GOP's stand on gun rights. But this time around, there are signs that the hook and bullet bloc is not as one-dimensional as it used to be.

In fact, a recent poll of licensed fishermen and hunters says they're worried the Bush administration is risking the nation's water and air to suit oil and gas interests.

"Sportsmen believe the administration is talking to the wrong people in formulating conservation policy," Larry Schweiger, president of the National Wildlife Federation.

Yes, sportsmen whose primary concern is the environment may support Kerry. But I will accept this as a legitimate news story only after seeing a similar story about black voters not being a lock for Democrats anymore, and citing Kerry's pro-gay marriage, pro-abortion, anti-voucher policies as reasons for the defection.

I'm not holding my breath. The Red Sox have won the World Series. I won't get two miracles in one week.


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